(Source: Entame) Hath the path from the big screen to the small one always been so fraught?! Anyway, Koizora's first episode which aired last Saturday, 2nd August 2008, reportedly garnered in a measly 5.6% of ratings. This places it at the bottom of JDorama rankings for the week - 28th July - 3rd August!
1st 15.7% CODE BLUE (starring Yamapi, Aragaki Yui and Toda Erika)
(who would have expected, after all the hammering it got...but just goes to show that the other summer doramas are equally weak or weaker!!!)
2nd 14.4%「太陽と海の教室」
3rd 14.0% Shibatora (starring Koike Teppei)
(read more about Shibatora here)
4th 12.9%「ヤスコとケンジ」
5th 12.8%「その男、副署長」
6th 12.2%「モンスターペアレント」
7th 12.2%「33分探偵」
8th 10.9% Maou (starring scandal-ridden Satoshi Ohno and Ikuta Toma)
9th 10.3%「ゴンゾウ~伝説の刑事」
10th 10.3%「Tomorrow~陽はまたのぼる」
11th*9.4% Seigi no Mikata(starring Yamada Yuu, aka Oguri Shun's gf)
(read more about it here)
17th*5.6% Koizora「恋空」