Smilie Suri is a real softie at heart. When she heard about the abuse for a female dog, she immediately went ahead to offer her home and her heart to this cross between Chihuwawa and a stray dog. Comments Smilie, “when I went to pick her up, she simple cowered away and started whining. Poor baby was tortured. The owners had brought her for their kid who was least interested in her. And they had kept her locked in the balcony since past 4 months. She would cry all the day long.” Even once Smilie had brought her into her own home and shown to the vet for various skin problems, this dog would just sit in the corner shivering. “It took her more than a month to feel secure and now she plays with me and my other dog mumbo. I named her magic because it’s a magic that she is still alive, inspite of so much of abuse.”
Earlier too, Smilie had adopted a fox terrier and named him Mumbo. So what next Smilie? Do we expect a Mantra next?