(Source: 猫扑)September 30 --- In a star-studded concert organised by Mengniu, titled "S.H.E., Fahrenheit . I Control My Dreams" (heheh, my loose translation of 梦想我做主), the stars wowed a crowd of 40,000 in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. In the coming month, S.H.E. and Fahrenheit will bring this hurricane of joy across Hangzhou, Taiyuan, Fuzhou, Jinan and Shenzhen.
For this concert, the stars did their best. Fans were treated to exclusive live performances from S.H.E.'s new album
Although currently there have been reports that due to over-training, Fahrenheit's members' bodies have revealed "Yellow Warning Status", these 4 beautiful men's energetic perfromance squashed fans' worries. A member of Fahrenheit said: "Our training now is extremely focused on combining work and rest, so I believe in the coming 5 concerts, we will likewise be bringing Chinese fans aural and visual pleasure". After the performance, our reporter noticed the 7 stars all drinking Mengniu Yoghurt energetically. Wu Zun told reporters that before accepting the sponsorship deal from Mengniu, Fahrenheit and S.H.E. especially went down to inspect Mengniu's factories. "The milk there is taken care of very well, and the entire production line is intelligently automated. I saw for myself the entire production process. We feel that Mengniu is an extremely abiding, trust-worthy yoghurt company..." Without waiting for Wu Zun to finish, Wang Dong Cheng cut in, "We all like drinking Mengniu yoghurt very much, and I especially like the Kiwi flavour. Recently, to prepare for concerts, our training everyday has been very heavy, so even more, we should drink Mengniu yoghurt daily, to energise us every second!" After saying this, Big Dong flourished a "Bodybuilder" pose, "Fans must support Mengniu yoghurt with us, ok!" "Healthy and delicious Mengniu yoghurt is also very popular in Hong Kong," piped in Yan Ya Lun.
From the start of the year til today, interaction with Mengniu has given the 2 bands much confidence. Ella said, "After the milk powder incident, we also focused our attention on yoghurt. After seeing it pass tests in China, Hong Kong and Singapore, we are really happy." At the same time, S.H.E. and Fahrenheit also say together, "This concert was an agreement between Mengniu Yoghurt, S.H.E., Fahrenheit, and all the fans, so we used 100% of effort in our performance to repay everyone who has supported us, and Mengniu."
The government of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, also gave its fullest support. "Although some milk safety concerns arose before National Day, the government has responded immediately and energetically, creating a safe and clean Chinese milk market," expressed a Hohhot leader, "We hope that through this concert, we can help people return to their healthy lifestyle routine, and also allow China's 'milk capital' to quickly walk out of the spectre of the milk powder incident."
"At this moment, S.H.E., Fahrenheit, consumers and government's trust in Mengniu is a tremendous encouragement." Mengniu Milk Company's VP and Room-temperature milk Dept's head Bai Ying said, "Mengniu Yoghurt has tirelessly provided young people with health and happiness through products and music. From today, we will continue to monitor our standards, and not betray everyone's trust." During the festivities, our reporter visited a few large supermarkets, and gleaned through salespeople that Mengniu's Yoghurt products sales has gradually recovered, and people's confidence in the community milk market is returning.
"Health and happiness til the end!" --- This was S.H.E.'s and Fahrenheit's common promise. They requested our reporter to tell every fan, "No matter today or tomorrow, this promise will never change. For every fan, we will strive hard, please cheer for us! Cheer for Mengniu!"
I have tried my best to translate the article faithfully, but if any mistakes are spotted, please forgive me, for they are unintentional. hehe. well, i think it's hard being a spokesperson, you gotta praise the company no matter what, and if you're ever caught drinking competitors' stuff, you're gone. (think Britney). okie, was also thinking this article was rather one sided and felt more like a press release, but it's just interesting to note that this milk company has the ability to stage 5 large concerts across China. imagine their expenditure! -fatfish