GelaSkins are removable vinyl skins for protecting and customizing your portable devices. They feature photo-quality graphics ranging from fine art prints to contemporary urban images designed by our growing family of artists from around the world. GelaSkins protect your iPod with a durable anti-scratch, anti-UV coating. The removable skins are thin enough that they won\'t interfere with any other accessories (ie. iTrip, the Dock, portable speaker systems). With patented adhesive technology by 3M, GelaSkins remove c leanly when you want to remove them or switch them for another design. All of the skins for the iPod Touch include access to our online gallery of digital wallpaper downloads so the front of your iPod can look as good as the back.The iPod touch\'s functionality is a thing of beauty, but admit it--black eventually can get boring. GelaSkins will breathe life into your favorite portable. Not only do high-quality graphics help your player stand out from the crowd, but the thick, textured sticker protects your investment against scratches and dust. Patented 3M technology ensures easy, bubble-free application, as well as residue-free removal. Find your favorite among a myriad of designs by art masters and those heading in that direction.
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plus size swim suit free wallpaper GelaSkins Protective Skin for iPod touch 1G (Drawing Hands)--with Access to Matching Digital Wallpaper Downloads
free wallpaper GelaSkins Protective Skin for iPod touch 1G (Drawing Hands)--with Access to Matching Digital Wallpaper Downloads

GelaSkins are removable vinyl skins for protecting and customizing your portable devices. They feature photo-quality graphics ranging from fine art prints to contemporary urban images designed by our growing family of artists from around the world. GelaSkins protect your iPod with a durable anti-scratch, anti-UV coating. The removable skins are thin enough that they won\'t interfere with any other accessories (ie. iTrip, the Dock, portable speaker systems). With patented adhesive technology by 3M, GelaSkins remove c leanly when you want to remove them or switch them for another design. All of the skins for the iPod Touch include access to our online gallery of digital wallpaper downloads so the front of your iPod can look as good as the back.The iPod touch\'s functionality is a thing of beauty, but admit it--black eventually can get boring. GelaSkins will breathe life into your favorite portable. Not only do high-quality graphics help your player stand out from the crowd, but the thick, textured sticker protects your investment against scratches and dust. Patented 3M technology ensures easy, bubble-free application, as well as residue-free removal. Find your favorite among a myriad of designs by art masters and those heading in that direction.

GelaSkins are removable vinyl skins for protecting and customizing your portable devices. They feature photo-quality graphics ranging from fine art prints to contemporary urban images designed by our growing family of artists from around the world. GelaSkins protect your iPod with a durable anti-scratch, anti-UV coating. The removable skins are thin enough that they won\'t interfere with any other accessories (ie. iTrip, the Dock, portable speaker systems). With patented adhesive technology by 3M, GelaSkins remove c leanly when you want to remove them or switch them for another design. All of the skins for the iPod Touch include access to our online gallery of digital wallpaper downloads so the front of your iPod can look as good as the back.The iPod touch\'s functionality is a thing of beauty, but admit it--black eventually can get boring. GelaSkins will breathe life into your favorite portable. Not only do high-quality graphics help your player stand out from the crowd, but the thick, textured sticker protects your investment against scratches and dust. Patented 3M technology ensures easy, bubble-free application, as well as residue-free removal. Find your favorite among a myriad of designs by art masters and those heading in that direction.