Physical Beauty the key criteria in beauty pageants; which means that physical appearances are the key factor to win a beauty pageant. That is why looks are everything! Girls need to be pretty on every occasion. These pageant girls are either going to look great in their inch-thick make-up or some girls prefer to go for plastic surgery. These girls are doing these “beautifying processes” with one reason on their mind, to stand out among other girls and be the winner of the beauty pageant!
There are many critics of beauty contests arousing the “man made beauty” topic. Should girls with plastic surgery on their body be allowed in beauty pageants? As I mentioned, looks are everything in a beauty pageant. It is not surprising that most beauty queens had plastic surgery done on their body.
When I see those girls with “plastic modification” on their body, I start to wonder the real meaning of a beauty pageant. Do organizers choose their winner by judging purely on the beauty queen's real looks or according to man-made looks that are generally accepted in the fashion magazine? Those “photoshopped” pictures in the fashion magazine are becoming a benchmark for the beauty standard. Only through plastic surgery, these beauty queen wannabes will get what they wanted from a beauty pageant! These beauty queens cloned themselves in “Beauty” that they believed in and that is why we see more and more beauty queens are looking identical! This gave me a feeling that in order to win a beauty pageant you need to pass the “beauty queen ISO 9001 standard”. Other types of beauty are not accepted in the beauty pageant.
I thought the real meaning for a beauty pageant is to embrace the human's beauty but not the technology. However, girls with “plastic modification” are always the hot pick among the crowd. Why? Because their features resemble the “standard beauty queens looks”. With this, everyone can be a beauty queen. Rich girls will always win beauty pageant because they have more funds to own the “standard beauty queen looks”. Beauty Pageant in the modern context is just a bunch of plastic dolls trying to promote the their very own plastic surgeon's master piece.