Because science is important » GetReligionJewish community [has] no such concept of original sin, we recite daily in our prayers something that comes directly from the Talmud: âMy God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure. ...... =3020670. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0. danr says: March 16, 2009, at 1:12 pm. Interesting development in Georgia, from WP: âIn Georgia, the bill that passed the Senate would prevent a couple who decided they no longer ...Jill Stanek - Bill Clinton to Gupta on CNN: Ok to research embryos ...As to the other part of the story as you would have it, her twisted will is bent from its original motherly state. Didn't she welcome the father of her child? Didn't she become one flesh with him? What is the child but the ..... ---excerpt from Dr. Gupta's book Chasing Life IT TURNS OUT? Did he not know this? Even I know that, but, alas, the American public is largely ignorant of the facts surrounding stem-cell research. ...
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Because science is important » GetReligionJewish community [has] no such concept of original sin, we recite daily in our prayers something that comes directly from the Talmud: âMy God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure. ...... =3020670. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0. danr says: March 16, 2009, at 1:12 pm. Interesting development in Georgia, from WP: âIn Georgia, the bill that passed the Senate would prevent a couple who decided they no longer ...Jill Stanek - Bill Clinton to Gupta on CNN: Ok to research embryos ...As to the other part of the story as you would have it, her twisted will is bent from its original motherly state. Didn't she welcome the father of her child? Didn't she become one flesh with him? What is the child but the ..... ---excerpt from Dr. Gupta's book Chasing Life IT TURNS OUT? Did he not know this? Even I know that, but, alas, the American public is largely ignorant of the facts surrounding stem-cell research. ...
Because science is important » GetReligionJewish community [has] no such concept of original sin, we recite daily in our prayers something that comes directly from the Talmud: âMy God, the soul with which thou hast endowed me is pure. ...... =3020670. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0. danr says: March 16, 2009, at 1:12 pm. Interesting development in Georgia, from WP: âIn Georgia, the bill that passed the Senate would prevent a couple who decided they no longer ...Jill Stanek - Bill Clinton to Gupta on CNN: Ok to research embryos ...As to the other part of the story as you would have it, her twisted will is bent from its original motherly state. Didn't she welcome the father of her child? Didn't she become one flesh with him? What is the child but the ..... ---excerpt from Dr. Gupta's book Chasing Life IT TURNS OUT? Did he not know this? Even I know that, but, alas, the American public is largely ignorant of the facts surrounding stem-cell research. ...