Angela (Shannon Elizabeth) is throwing a decadent Halloween party at New Orleansâ infamous Broussard Mansion. But after the police break up the festivities, Maddie (Monica Keena) and a few friends stay behind. Trapped inside the locked mansion gates, the remaining guests uncover a horrifying secret and soon fall victim to seven vicious, blood-thirsty demons.BONUS FEATURES:Audio commentary with Monica Keena, Bobbi Sue Luther, John F. Beach, writer/director Adam Gierasch, and writer Jace AndersonCast & Crew Interviews Behind-the-scenes footage.
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Michael Copon Night of the Demons [Blu-ray]
Michael Copon Night of the Demons [Blu-ray]

Angela (Shannon Elizabeth) is throwing a decadent Halloween party at New Orleansâ infamous Broussard Mansion. But after the police break up the festivities, Maddie (Monica Keena) and a few friends stay behind. Trapped inside the locked mansion gates, the remaining guests uncover a horrifying secret and soon fall victim to seven vicious, blood-thirsty demons.BONUS FEATURES:Audio commentary with Monica Keena, Bobbi Sue Luther, John F. Beach, writer/director Adam Gierasch, and writer Jace AndersonCast & Crew Interviews Behind-the-scenes footage.

Angela (Shannon Elizabeth) is throwing a decadent Halloween party at New Orleansâ infamous Broussard Mansion. But after the police break up the festivities, Maddie (Monica Keena) and a few friends stay behind. Trapped inside the locked mansion gates, the remaining guests uncover a horrifying secret and soon fall victim to seven vicious, blood-thirsty demons.BONUS FEATURES:Audio commentary with Monica Keena, Bobbi Sue Luther, John F. Beach, writer/director Adam Gierasch, and writer Jace AndersonCast & Crew Interviews Behind-the-scenes footage.