NEWS for Kose's new Rose Fragrance

(Source: Sanspo) Cosmetics giant Kose announced today (17th August 2008) that Johnny's Entertainment Unit, NEWS will front their new CM campaign for a new line of bath products containing rose fragrance called, "HAPPY BATH DAY Precious Rose".

The CM will start airing on the 19th of this month, and the product, which is made from rose essences, will be on sale starting on the 21st. Other than body and bath soap, the new line includes hair styling products and will cost between 168 and 1890 Yen. This line aims for both the male and female consumer market.

Members of NEWS had this to say about the new products that they were fronting : "If we passed by a girl who was wearing this fragrance, we will definitely turn around to give her a second look."

(Am translating this while watching Singapore's Table Tennis Team in the Olympic finals against China!!!! The doubles match.... haha. Happy Sunday people! ^_^ )
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