Doppelganger: SS501 Member & Utt

(fatfish) I recently went to view SS501's MV - U R Man. (wanted to check out claims that it's a viral ear-worm kind of song). The video is set in a glam-gangster environment (think Hong Kong or Japanese mafia), but I thought this particular SS501 member (sorry I don't know who!) looked particularly like MTV VJ Utt in the video. Greg Uttsada, of Thai descent, is pictured below. As for the song, I was intrigued by their interesting chord progressions, especially on the choruses. They actually shift the key up then down again about 3 times in one chorus, which is highly unorthodox (usually pop tunes only go up, they don't go down). Shifting up brings the song a higher feel in terms of notes and also excitement (if that's even the right word). So. It's an interesting tune!

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