Taiwan's F4 to hold concert in Japan

(Source: Sanspo) It was announced yesterday, 24th June 2008, that the popular Taiwanese group F4 will hold a concert tour in Japan early this October. 35,000 tickets for Tokyo's Budoukan have apparently already been sold out.
Tickets for 3 performances at Yokohama Arena will start sale on 30th of August, and there are about 35,000 of them up for grabs. Jerry Yan (31) stated that "We are preparing to give the best performance and are looking forward to spending an enjoyable hour with our fans." Hana-Yori-Dango fever is still gripping Japan and talks of a HYD-movie staring Matsumoto Jun have been circulating.
But seriously, I was really shocked when I was in Osaka to see posters of the Taiwanese F4 everywhere and was asking my friend about it. "You mean they're still cool here??" I asked. Apparently so. She, personally, thought that the Taiwanese F4 were totally cooler and cuter than the Japanese F4 [I was squeaking in opposition, like hello, Oguri Shun?!!? and forgive me but i don't think Jerry Yan is THAT cute either]. She also said that she preferred Korean and Taiwanese guys and it could be because of the fact that they had to go to the army which made them more "manly" than Japanese actors, who she felt were too girly. Now I hadn't thought of that. The army thing. Hmm.
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